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The project

Education, detection and action Our goal is to raise awareness about biological invasions, make known the different invasive plants in Portugal and stimulate public participation in mapping of species, the control of plant populations and education.

We have created comprehensive profiles of the species considered invasive in Portugal, and we provide useful tools and information for managers, scientific community members and anyone interested in the topic.

In addition, we offer support material for environmental education, for teachers and informal action groups.

This work is developed within the scope of the Project “Plantas Invasoras: uma ameaça vinda de fora” (Media Ciência N.º 16905, co-funded by UE/FEDER, through QREN (Programa Factores de Competitividade — COMPETE ) and has its roots in the projects Invader, Invader II (pioneers of the problem of invasive plants in Portugal), and Ciência Viva "Divulgação sobre Espécies de Plantas Invasoras em Portugal". After 2013, the site and associated activities are developed in the scope of project INVADER-B (co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, COMPETE and FEDER).



Current content comes from the decade long partnership with researchers from the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra and  Centre for Functional Ecology, Univeristy of Coimbra, that carry out research in the area of biological invasions.